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The Purple Shall Govern

Mary Sibande
The Purple Shall Govern, 2013. Installation .

'The Purple Shall Govern'

Mary Sibande at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Museum

In her solo exhibition titled 'The Purple Shall Govern', Standard Bank Young Artist Award winner for 2013, Mary Sibande employs the human form as a vehicle through painting, photography and sculpture, to explore the construction of identity, particularly black women's identity, in a postcolonial South Africa.

Sibande draws inspiration from a specific event in the late 1980s, in which the police sprayed protestors with a water cannon laced with purple dye to enable them to identify and arrest anti-apartheid activists. This act motivated Mary’s interest in the roles that colour played in the history of this country. Colour remains a predominant factor in our social interactions and it continues to play a dominant role in our perceptions of one another as South Africans. In Sibande’s view it is like a monster that we are all too familiar with. On a personal level, this new work comes full circle as Sibande connects it back to her very first exhibition, where she displayed a figure - that represented her – in purple attire. 

'The Purple Shall Govern' presents the next chapter, in which Sibande speaks of her own aspirations, desires, fears and anxieties of being a woman. The concept of rebirth, where she refers to the idea of transitioning from the person you were before into a new or different idea of yourself – death and rebirth – is extensively explored. 

31 July - 01 September

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