Alan Alborough
Installation detail
on show at the Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg
See KZN listings
A postcard by Mustafa Maluka, forming part of 'Returning the Gaze'
See Reviews
Lynne Lomowsky
Cross Sections 1
Video still
Shown on the Cape Town Festival
See Reviews
Claudette Schreuders' studio
See Artbio
In four packed days, the Cape Town One City Festival came and went, opening on Thursday night with a massed balloon sendoff from the Granary, and yes, audiences do come to see art it seems - the exhibition spaces were thronged with people all weekend. The overall theme was 'Celebrating Difference', and with exhibitors as diverse as street photographers from Khayelitsha to established international artists, with performances, video works, scrawled texts and sound installations all playing a part, with 'Night Vision' drawing hundreds into the city centre on Friday night, the overall effect was a sometimes soulsearching and often joyous affirmation of what city life can be. See Reviews.
Daimler/Chrysler prizewinner Kay Hassan opens at the SANG next weekend.
What do we do with the time technology saves us? 'Killing Time', coming up at the Johannesburg Civic, seeks some answers.
Standard Bank prizewinner Alan Alborough's standout show is on - but not for long - at the Tatham in Pietermaritzburg.
Zwelethu Mthethwa and Sam Nhlengethwa in Cologne show.
Cape Town One City Festival Roundup.
Lisa Brice visits China.
Vita finalist sculptor Claudette Schreuders is the subject of September's artbio.
Holland South Africa Line, The Alternative Museum and lots of links.
Day Without Art Web Action.
New York gallery calls for work.
So what do you think, viewers? Any comment? Let's hear from you.
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Use the search engine to track down artist's exhibitions, galleries, curators through three years of Artthrobs.
Slides, photos, press releases and invitations for possible inclusion into
this column can be sent to Sue Williamson, 4th floor, 152 Sir Lowry Rd,
Woodstock, 7925. Photographic material will be returned if a self-addressed
envelope is included. Material can also be e-mailed to artthrob@mweb.co.za.